Anika Steinhoff

Born in Bremen in 1978, she studied dramaturgy at the Hochschule für Musik und Theater in Leipzig, followed by film studies at the University of Amsterdam on a DAAD scholarship. From 2005 she was assistant dramaturg at the Thalia Theater Hamburg, where she became dramaturg in 2007. In 2009 she moved to the Deutsches Theater Berlin with Ulrich Khuon. From 2015 freelance dramaturge with productions at the Deutsches Schauspielhaus Hamburg, the Burgtheater in Vienna and the Deutsches Theater Berlin, among others. From 2021-2024 dramaturge at the Burgtheater and in the 2024/25 season co-head dramaturge at Schauspielhaus Zürich. Regular collaborations with directors including Jette Steckel, Lilja Rupprecht, Martin Kusej and Thorleifur Arnarsson.

Born in Bremen in 1978, studied dramaturgy at the Leipzig University of Music/Theater and Film Studies at the University of Amsterdam. From 2005 assistant dramaturg and from 2007 dramaturg at the Thalia Theater Hamburg. In 2009 she moved to the Deutsches Theater Berlin. From 2015 freelance dramaturg, 2021-2024 dramaturg at Burgtheater Vienna, 2024/25 co-head dramaturg at Schauspielhaus Zürich. Regular collaborations with Jette Steckel, Lilja Rupprecht, Martin Kusej, Thorleifur Arnarsson, among others.