Moubarak Djibril

Moubarak Djibril completed an apprenticeship as an electrician after secondary school - and almost pursued a professional football career if theatre hadn't intervened. From 2019, he attended a youth club at the Schauspielhaus and was a player in the production High on Hope (directed by Suna Gürler) in June 2021. In August 2021, Moubi was part of the theater year at Schauspielhaus Zürich and a year later was on stage in Bullestress. He then performed in the play WER HAT ANGST VORM WEISSEN (director: Ntando Cele) in Bern in 2022/23. Together with the Kehlkopfkollektiv, he appeared on stage in the play STIMM & STUMM (directed by Lena Sigrist & Onna Stähli). In September 2023, Moubi was also part of the productions Frankenstein Lost at the Jugendkulturfestival Basel (directed by Joëlle Gbeassor & David Gees) and jetzt, jetzt, jetzt at Schauspielhaus Zürich (directed by Suna Gürler). He is currently doing his community service.