As part of the Schiffbaufest, we invite the authors of our world premieres to the Autorinnensalon: Caren Jeß (HEARTSHIP), Dea Loher, (FRAU YAMAMOTO IST NOCH DA), Maria Milisavljević (STAUBFRAU) and Maria Ursprung (HALLUZINATIONEN) talk about their writing and actors from the ensemble read excerpts from the texts they have written.
Friday, 6.9.
19.30-20.15 DEA LOHER in conversation with Artistic Director Ulrich Khuon
20.30-21.15 CAREN JEß in conversation with dramaturge Maike Müller
21.30-22.15 MARIA URSPRUNG in conversation with dramaturge Bendix Fesefeldt
Saturday, 7.9.
16.00-16.45 DEA LOHER in conversation with Artistic Director Ulrich Khuon
17.00-17.45 MARIA URSPRUNG in conversation with dramaturge Bendix Fesefeldt45 min
18.00-18.45 CAREN JEß in conversation with dramaturge Maike Müller
19.00-19.45 MARIA MILISAVLJEVIĆ in conversation with dramaturge Yunus Ersoy
Info: Come along. Admission is free and no registration is necessary.