
Michel Friedman

Prof. Dr jur. Dr phil. Julien Michel Friedman, born in Paris in 1956, is a Franco-German lawyer, philosopher, publicist, author and presenter. As an author and publicist, Michel Friedman has published several books, most recently JUDENHASS (2024, Berlin Verlag/ Piper Verlag), SCHLARAFFENLAND - ABGEBRANNT (2023, Berlin Verlag/ Piper Verlag), FREMD (2022, Berlin Verlag/ Piper Verlag) and ‘STREITEN?’ UNBEDINGT! (2021 published by Duden Verlag)

FREMD is currently being performed in several theatres (Berlin Ensemble, Gorki Theater Berlin and Schauspielhaus Hannover). Michel Friedman is also an honorary professor at the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences and was Managing Director of the Centre for Applied European Studies (CAES). Since October 2022, Michel Friedman has been a member of the Board of Trustees of ‘Places of German Democratic History’ and the Jewish Museum Berlin. 

Michel Friedman is currently part of various formats and discussion series, including the FRIEDMAN IN THE OPERA series at the Frankfurt Opera and the Bockenheimer Depot with guests in conversation about current performances and their relation to the present, in the podcast ZUKUNFT DENKEN of the Jewish weekly magazine tachles and in the event series DENKEN OHNE GELÄNDER at the Jewish Museum Frankfurt am Main. Since 2017, he has regularly welcomed guests to the Berliner Ensemble for the format FRIEDMAN IM GESPRÄCH. Michel Friedman also moderates the Democracy Forum at Hambach Castle for SWR.

photo © Nicci Kuhn