Talking about sex is no longer offensive these days. Orgasm, on the other hand, rarely takes center stage and is seen more as a logical and uncomplicated finale, only a few happy moments short and anyway tedious to describe. In the 1970s, feminist theories were dedicated to the female orgasm, leading to the so-called "rediscovery of the clitoris" and the refutation of the myth of the vaginal orgasm. In the 2000s, Paul Morris spoke of the utopian potential of the queer orgasm. And yet even today, Swiss studies still describe the "orgasm gap": Only just over half of women experience an orgasm during sex, whereas men almost always come. But is an orgasm always an orgasm? What connects the penis and clitoris? Can an orgasm be experienced independently of both? Experts from the fields of sex work, medicine and psychotherapy discuss these questions with relish and explore the utopian power of climax.