
Yunus Ersoy

Yunus Ersoy, born and raised in Zurich, is a dramaturg, director, and performer. After receiving their BA in German language and literature, history and comparative literature, they continued their studies in the master’s programmes at the University of Zurich (Cultural Analysis) and the Institute for Applied Theatre Studies in Gießen, Germany.
In 2009 Ersoy was a founding member of »oimoi – junges theater zürich«, and today they are a member of the board. Since 2009 they have participated in over 10 oimoi productions, both on and backstage. oimoi plays by Ersoy (as author, director, project manager) have been shown in various venues, including the Theater Rigiblick in Zurich. At the Schauspielhaus Zürich, Ersoy appeared in spoken choruses of René Pollesch and Stefan Pucher, among other projects.
Ersoy organises festivals (DISKURS 2018, 2021-2023 Queer Week, ’61–’91–’21: Immer wieder Deutschland, among others) und their works have toured to a variety of venues, including the Künstlerhaus Mousonturm with the collective Mora Vegesture, FACT-Festival in Budapest with Camila Rhodi and 48h Neukölln in Berlin with Josef Mehling (2019). In 2020 Jil Dreyer, Ersoy and Mehling presented a performance titled None of This at the Grätsche Festival in Zurich.
After an internship at Studio Я, Ersoy has been at the Maxim Gorki Theater in Berlin since the middle of the 2018/19 season, first asstisting, later as a dramaturg. Ersoy has been working with directors Yael Ronen, Hakan Savaş Mican, and Paul Spittler, among others.

Starting with the season 2023/24, Yunus Ersoy is a dramaturg at Schauspielhaus Zürich and works with Suna Gürler and Joana Tischkau.