Theaterjahr Clubs Theater & Schule

In the last season, the Schauspielhaus has become a place for encounters, for play and research, and for companionship for many young people. A place where theatre by and with young people belongs on the big stage and permeates all spaces and situations of art making at the Schauspielhaus Zürich.

The Schauspielhaus Zürich’s theatre pedagogy, directing, dramaturgy and communication see it as a joint mission to capture the individual experience of watching and producing theatre, and to provide space for it in various formats. The Schauspielhaus Zürich wants to offer young people a space of their own in the auditorium and behind the scenes where they can negotiate themselves and their visions. A place in the programme, a place on the rehearsal stages, a place in the props and costume department, a place in scheduling, a place in budgeting, a place in the offices, a place at the ticket office, a place in the canteen, a place in the foyer, and a place on stage.

In addition to the repertoire productions, the Theaterjahr, cooperation with schools and Clubs will remain an integral part of the programme for young people at the Schauspielhaus Zürich.


Every year five young people who are considering a career in the theatre will receive the opportunity to become part of the Schauspielhaus Zürich for an entire Season. They will gain insights into the Schauspielhaus’ various departments, host their own open stage every month, sit in on rehearsals of repertoire productions, assist with the youth clubs, design and co-direct workshops for school classes, and so much more. The five annual trainees stir up everyday theatre life with their young, very own perspective and, where possible, they can muck in themsleves and implement their own ideas.

Theatre & School

Theatre & School is a core area of theatre pedagogical work at the Schauspielhaus, where the focus lies on the encounter and exchange between the two institutions school and theatre. Every repertoire production is supervised by theatre pedagogues already during the rehearsal period, who then use their insights to develop artistic mediation formats for young people: practical workshops to get young people in the mood and to follow up on the production, discussions about the production, meetings with theatre makers, guided tours, and much more. These efforts are complemented by the "Partner Schools" format, which aims to establish continuous and long-term cooperation with Zurich’s secondary schools. These efforts are complemented by the "Partner Schools" format, which aims to establish continuous and long-term cooperation with Zurich secondary schools. The Schauspielhaus Zürich would also like to open its doors to premiere classes in the 2020/2021 season to offer them the opportunity to experience a new production first hand: from the first rehearsal to the premiere.

More informationen

Teachers are cordially invited to the information event "Let's meet!" on 13 April at 18:00, which will allow them to meet and exchange ideas. In addition, our brochure "Theater & School" will be published in August, where we once again bundle all information on this topic.


In our four clubs, around 70 young people meet every week and create theatre: improvising, discussing, dancing, shouting, cramming, sweating, and at the end of the season, after an intensive rehearsal period including technical support, there will be three public performances.

These clubs are open to all theatre enthusiasts aged between 14 and 24 years old, with and without theatre experience.

More Information