
Sustainability & Diversity

As part of its values compass, the Schauspielhaus Zürich is committed to sustainability, among other things. It is thus making its contribution to the City of Zurich's endeavours to become climate-neutral by 2040 and is following the City of Zurich's 2024-27 cultural mission statement to develop ‘sustainable working and production methods’.

As an institution, the Schauspielhaus is also engaged in an ongoing process of diversity-oriented organisational development at the staff, audience and programme levels. It thus also makes an ongoing contribution to the diversity-oriented goals of the City of Zurich, which were formulated in the City of Zurich's 2020-2023 cultural mission statement. The Schauspielhaus Zürich offers a diversity glossary for audiences and employees.

The sustainability working group deals with topics such as decarbonisation, diversity, equality, inclusion and belonging, sustainable collaboration and the promotion of young talent. In addition, the Schauspielhaus is currently developing a sustainability strategy that focuses on anchoring and institutionalising ecological, social and economic sustainability.

The first sustainability report, including a carbon footprint, was published in the 2022/23 annual report (pages 24 & 25).

(Status: February 2024)