Open Letter

Zürich, December 2020

Dear City,

We will remain open. Even if our doors must close. Open for this city, open for our fellow citizens, open to the diversity of this society, open to the new, open to the unknown. Open to you.

We will, in these uncertain times, always be thinking of your and our health. Thus, at some point the doors of our theatre might have to remain closed for a while. Or only a few seats may be able to be filled. But we will be there for you. We want to be open for you. For we believe that culture is important and valuable at this moment, just as humanity and openness is.

This is what our theatre stands for, what Schauspielhaus Zürich stands for. We are many and a plurality, with more than 300 people of different origins and viewpoints working to­gether onstage and behind the scenes. A year ago, we came ­together as a new team and set an aim to be diverse, open, ­inclusive and progressive, with a desire to experiment and the courage to fail. We shall endeavour to fulfil this intention.

We feel connected with this city and its diversity. And we hope that you, too, will find your way to us in all your diversity.

We shall remain resolvedly open. We are able to do so.
Thanks to you.

Stay healthy and take care of yourselves and your fellow human beings. We look forward to seeing you, now and in the future.

Your Schauspielhaus Zürich