What is the connection between the Swiss director Christoph Marthaler and the Scottish actor Graham F. Valentine? A student complicity, countless joint performances, and a keen sense of elegant irreverence.
After a short break, Christoph Marthaler finally returns to Zurich with an evening about the friendship between two artists. Christoph Marthaler and Graham F. Valentine have travelled their path together from the Rote Fabrik and the run-down family guesthouse in the Waldhaus in Sils-Maria to the papal palace in Avignon, never in a straight line, but not without a plan either. Together with the Zurich musician, gambist and baroque cellist Martin Zeller, they have created a new production at the Théâtre Vidy-Lausanne. Marthaler dedicates this evening to his extraordinary actor and singer, with the programmatic title: Aucune idée.