Pack die Badehose ein

Concert & Picnic

At the end of Christopher Rüping's production of Gier, the actor Wiebke Mollenhauer dares to jump into the water of Lake Zurich - even in icy water temperatures like in March 2023, when the play premiered. Fortunately, the water is now warmer again, the weather will hopefully also play its part, and so after the last performance of Gier, all audience members will take a walk down the mountain: A small picnic awaits you on the lakeshore, the string trio from the production plays music to accompany the sunset and, because everyone has packed their swimming trunks, we go into Lake Zurich together one last time... It will definitely be beautiful, but sad too. But perhaps the fresh lake water will wash the pain of parting from our skin. 


7 June 2024, supporting program *Happy End Closing Festival*
18:30 Book launch with the Alexander Verlag Berlin: Nahaufnahme.
19:30 Gier. For the very last time.
21:30 Pack die Badehose einPicnic and music on the Blatterwiese.