
Bastian Kraft

Born in Göppingen in 1980, Bastian Kraft studied Applied Theatre Studies in Gießen. He then worked as an assistant director at the Burgtheater in Vienna, where he directed “The Picture of Dorian Gray” in the Vestibül in 2010. He won the audience award at the ‘Radikal jung’ festival in 2010 with his production of Franz Kafka's “Amerika” (Thalia Theater Hamburg) and in 2012 with his production of Thomas Mann's “Felix Krull” (Volkstheater München). His other productions include, among others, “The Miser. A family portrait after Molière” by PeterLicht (2012, Schauspielhaus Wien), Heinrich von Kleist's “The Broken Jug” (2012, Thalia Theater Hamburg), “Dogville” by Lars von Trier (2014, Schauspiel Köln) and “Mephisto” based on the novel by Klaus Mann (2018, Burgtheater Wien). At the Schauspielhaus Zürich, he has directed, among others, Jean Genet's “The Maids” (2015), Max Frisch's “Andorra” (2016), Thomas Mann's “Buddenbrooks” (2017) and Tennessee Williams' “A Streetcar Named Desire” (2018). He is now returning to the Schauspielhaus Zürich with “The Little Mermaid”.


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