Johanna Bajohr, born in 1993 in Cologne, studied Fine Arts in Stage and Costume Design at Kunsthochschule Weißensee in Berlin after numerous assistantships at institutions such as Grillo Theater Essen, Schauspiel Bonn, and Oper Bonn.
During her studies, she explored various theatrical approaches and their execution within an expanded concept of theater. Her work engages with contemporary political and social issues through the lens of intersectional feminism. In performances and installations, bodies and spaces are examined for their political dimensions, often situated within realities transformed by digitalization.
Since completing her studies, she has been responsible for numerous stage and costume designs as well as digital productions at venues including Schauspielhaus Zürich, Volkstheater München, Junges Theater Basel, and Vagantenbühne Berlin.
With the production Riesenhaft in Mittelerde™, she was invited to the 2024 Theatertreffen.