
Roger de Weck

Roger de Weck is an author based in Zurich, a visiting professor at the College of Europe in Bruges and a member of the Future Council for Reforms at ARD, ZDF and Deutschlandfunk. He has just published «Das Prinzip Trotzdem - Warum wir den Journalismus vor den Medien retten müssen» with Suhrkamp Verlag.
De Weck was Director General of SRG, Editor-in-Chief of «Die Zeit» and «Tages-Anzeiger», presenter of «Sternstunden Philosophie’ (SRF) and columnist for German, French and Swiss media. He was Chairman of the Board of the Geneva Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies. The bilingual Swiss national studied economics in St. Gallen.
In 2022, he published «Die Kraft der Demokratie - Eine Antwort auf die autoritären Reaktionäre» (extended paperback edition) with Suhrkamp.
Roger de Weck is a member of the Foundation Board of the International Charlemagne Prize Aachen, the Scientific Advisory Board of the journal ‘Critique Internationale’ (SciencesPo Paris), the Advisory Board of the St. Gallen Collegium at the University of St. Gallen and the Board of Directors of SOS Méditerranée (Ocean Viking sea rescue ship). Roger de Weck holds honorary doctorates from the Universities of Fribourg and Lucerne.

photo © Nora Nussbaumer